20 marzo 2024
El proyecto BIP Erasmus+ es una iniciativa de la Unión Europea para promover la colaboración entre universidades europeas. El propósito de la acción de movilidad del programa Erasmus+, Programas Intensivos Combinados (BIPs), es aunar aprendizaje y trabajo en equipo, para que los participantes, de distintas universidades europeas, se formen a través de su colaboración virtual y lleven a cabo una estancia de corta duración en una de las universidades socias.
- Digital Technology and Crime: the Crucial Role of Human Factor in Cybercrime
University of Porto – Faculty of LawStudents from 1st, 2nd, and 3rd study cycles. Field of Education: Criminology This Blended Intensive Program (BIP) is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of diverse subjects on digital technology and criminology, giving special emphasis to the human factor. Furthermore, the practical part of this program allows students to translate theoretical concepts into actionable insights, demonstrating the ability to apply learned concepts to real-world scenarios. The BIP relies on the knowledge of experts in the field of digital technology and crime, offering a broad perspective of crucial topics such as criminological theories and methods for explaining, researching, and detecting cybercrime; specific online crimes (hacking, malware, cyberbullying, online fraud…), prevention and interventions on cybercrime; emerging challenges in the digital realm, such as the regulation of digital technology, data protection, artificial intelligence and cryptocurrencies. The inclusion of specialists from the University of Porto, particularly in the legal domain, reinforces the program’s commitment to adopting a comprehensive understanding of the regulatory landscape surrounding digital technology.The lectures will combine expositive sessions alongside practical components and exercises, conceived for the participants to promote critical thinking, reflection, discussion, and application of the teaching contents. Physical mobility: May 6th – 10th, 2024 Virtual component: one week before the physical mobility 3 ECTS If you are interested, please send the following documents to :
- DNI o pasaporte
- Carta de motivación
- Extracto académico
- Certificado nivel de inglés (mínimo B2)
- Certificado de matrícula
En este enlace puedes encontrar toda la información de la universidad de destino.
- Contemporary Issues in Selected Business Operations
Invitamos a estudiantes de Grado y Postgrado de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas (Elche y Orihuela) a participar en el proyecto educativo internacional Blended Intensive Program (BIP) financiado por el programa Erasmus+ denominado «Contemporary Issues in Selected Business Operations», coordinado por la Universidad de Economía y Negocios de Praga en la República Checa. La movilidad de corta duración está prevista del 4 al 8 de marzo de 2024, mientras que la parte virtual obligatoria se realizará del 19 de febrero al 3 de marzo.
La UMH convocará unas ayudas Erasmus+ para estancias cortas para el desplazamiento a la ciudad de Praga y un importe de 70 EUR diarios por estancia y manutención.
La participación en el proyecto computará por 4 créditos ECTS.
El curso versará sobre los siguientes temas:
- Logística
- Despachos aduaneros
- Informes financieros en operaciones internacionales
Los estudiantes UMH interesados en participar en el proyecto BIP deben enviar a la siguiente documentación:
- DNI/Pasaporte escaneado
- Extracto académico (sin validez académica)
- Certificado de matrícula
- Acreditación de nivel B2 de inglés
Ante cualquier duda, comuníquese con el Servicio de Relaciones Internacionales, Cooperación al Desarrollo y Voluntariado, a través de .
- Cybersecurity Strategies in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
Babes-Bolyai University is honored to announce a new and unique BIP program:
Flyer information and BIP endorsement letter.
The deadlines are:
- the end of January 2024 – signed letter of endorsement (the att. document)
- the beginning of February 2024 – the list of nominated students, together with their email addresses (to be sent by email)
Participants can be students (bachelor’s degree or master’s degree) or staff, beneficiaries of an Erasmus staff training mobility (as participants, not as contributors towards the program), who have a level of English that allows them to actively participate in the activities (B2). The teaching activities will be conducted by UBB’s professors.
We have the possibility to accept any number of participants between 1 and 15 students/employees. If you would like to nominate more than 15 participants, please let us know and we will confirm if we can accept them.
If you would like to select students/employees to attend our BIP program, we would appreciate it if you could sign and send us the att. letter of endorsement. After that, as soon as you have the list of nominated participants, you can email us the names and email address of each of the participants. We will get in touch with them and send all the necessary details and forms (application form, prefilled Learning agreement) directly to the participants.
For questions related to the administrative organizational part, please contact Ms. Carmen Tagsorean, .