Second Call for Volunteers for the #LAUMHTEACOMPAÑA (#UMHAccompaniesYou) Program

Throughout the course of events and social problems that the Covid-19 pandemic is provoking within the population, the Miguel Hernández University of Elche and the Area of Development Cooperation and Volunteerism that is part of the Vice Rectorate for International Relations, and in conjunction with the Spanish Red Cross, has begun a second call for volunteers for the #LaUMHteAcompaña (UMHAccompaniesYou) program.

This volunteer initiative was first implemented in April 2020 to respond to the first Covid-19 wave and the subsequent state of emergency declared by the Spanish government in Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14. The first version of the program focused on aiming, via telephone conversations, to alleviate the resulting loneliness in elders during the quarantine period, and then this assistance was extended during the following recovery period.

Nonetheless, this program has since evolved in order to address the new scenarios and needs that have been detected. The program is continuing and its activities have been extended to include other groups who are in vulnerable situations, attempting to provide emotional support and to mitigate the emotional problems and the stress that this health crisis is causing them.

If you are interested in participating in this volunteering effort and contributing as such to improving the situation of particularly vulnerable groups during the current health emergency, please complete this FORM (in Spanish) before February 15.

UMH students and alumni from the following programs are eligible to volunteer:

  • Psychology
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Medicine
  • Pharmacy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Gerontology and Health
  • Health Management
  • Occupational Therapy in Neurology
  • Primary Health Care Research
  • Clinical Medicine Research
  • General Health Psychology
  • Faculty from these programs are also welcome!

Further information is available at:

