UMH and University of Wrocław present dual Master’s in Agro-Food Technology and Quality

Personal al cargo del doble Máster Internacional UMH-Wroclaw

The Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH) presented the dual international Master’s in Agro-Food Technology and Quality in conjunction with Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences (UPWr).

Attending the presentation on behalf of the UMH included Internationalization Director, José Manuel Blanes; Director of the Service of International Relations, Inmaculada Blaya; and Master’s Coordinator, Pedro Zapata. Representing the UPWr were Joanna Chmielewska, Vice Dean and coordinator of the dual program; and Małgorzata Korzeniowska, a professor in the program at Wrocław.

José Manuel Blanes began the presentation, and he welcomed the interested students who had gathered to learn about the potential of this dual master. Following him was Pedro Zapata, who continued by explaining the methodology and curriculum of the international program, which will take place during its first semester on the Desamparados Campus in Orihuela before finishing with a stay at the UPWr.

Malgorzata Korzenlowska followed, and she shared interesting information and images from the city of Wrocław and its university, as well as video testimonies from UMH students of biotechnology who are currently enjoying stays at that Polish university.

Inmaculada Blaya concluded the presentation by pointing out the required enrollment documentation, and she also indicated the dates for the various admissions processes and those dates when the calls for financial aid will be announced.

The dual International Master’s in Agro-Food Technology and Quality receives funding by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange through European funding as part of the KATAMARAN program.

Pedro Zapata, director del doble máster internacional   Malgorzata Korzenlowska presenta el doble máster internacional

Inma Blaya, directora del servicio de Relaciones internacionales   Inma Blaya, directora del servicio de Relaciones internacionales

Jose Manuel Blanes en la presentación del doble máster interncional