UMH strengthens links with prestigious University of Antioquia from Medellin, Colombia


28 May 2024

UMH strengthens links with prestigious University of Antioquia from Medellin, Colombia

Associate Professor of Journalism and Deputy Vice Rector for International Projection and Communication at the UMH, José Luis González-Esteban, visited the campus of the University of Antioquia (UdeA) in Medellin, Colombia. The UdeA is one of the most important public universities in Colombia, educating close to 50,000 students, and with a history as a profoundly social and transformative institution. This visit served to strengthen ties with this prestigious academic center, renew a framework agreement between both universities, and to advance in specific future agreements.

While in Medellin, professor González-Esteban met with the UdeA Vice Rector for University Extension, David Hernández; and renowned writer, journalist, professor, and coordinator of the UdeA University Press, Patricia Nieto. The UMH Deputy Vice Rector also had a work meeting with the entire academic and scientific team from the unit that sponsors, among other initiatives, the University Diploma Hacemos Memoria program, which has received participation by several faculty members and researchers from the UMH during the current school year.

The work meeting at the UdeA also served to learn first-hand about the innovative and rigorous work of training journalists that is ongoing at the Laboratory of Journalism that is led by professor and journalist, Ximena Forero, who, among other projects, has been promoting for several years the university newspaper, De la Urbe, which is a benchmark in these types of projects and that connects classrooms with journalistic professions.

This visit also included lunch at the Botanical Garden of Medellín, an emblematic Andean Garden, which is integrated into the campus of the Colombian university.