Over 120 exchange students meet in Elche to get to know one another in preparation for the start of the school year

Club Erasmus, Programa Buddy

16 September 2024

On Saturday, September 14, the Elche city center, and more specifically Pub Binalub, attracted over 120 exchange students from all mobility programs, from both Latin America and Europe, in addition to local students, for a get together organized by the UMH Club Erasmus.

The event served the students beginning the 2024-2025 school year to make first contact with each other to better integrate into university life and the city of Elche. It drew exchange students from the Erasmus+, SICUE, Destino, as well as all other mobility programs operating at the UMH.

The Club Erasmus organizes these types of activities periodically. These events bring foreign & Spanish students from other universities together with local UMH students so they can meet each other face to face. Local students get to make new friends, learn new languages and new cultures, and they guide these exchange students, making their time spent here more worthwhile.

If you are interested in participating in the Buddy Program and meeting these exchange students, please complete the following application form:
