Chat by volunteers with the General Director of Development Cooperation highlights UMH efforts in Rwanda


26 September 2024

This morning, the Plaça de Baix venue hosted a chat by the Director General of Development Cooperation at the Generalitat Valenciana, Pedro Careller, along with volunteers from the UMH Volunteer Program in Rwanda, and it was the very good work completed by volunteer professionals in that East-central African country that was highlighted.

During the event, Carceller explained for those in attendance the benefits of undergoing these types of activities, and he informed them about the current situation of development cooperation efforts by the regional government. They then debated ways to improve these programs.

Other individuals present included UMH Director of Development Cooperation and Volunteerism, Juana Aznar; in addition to co-directors of the UMH Chair in Rwanda, Lis Gaibar and Javier Gimeno. Their participation consisted in talking about this cooperation project in Rwanda as well as other similar initiatives ongoing at the UMH.

Personal experiences were also related by some of the actual volunteers to these countries, which besides Rwanda, included Russia and areas of the Middle East.

The public in attendance, who were mostly UMH students interested in and willing to collaborate in cooperation programs, were treated by learning of the situations that they may encounter and of the possibilities for volunteering simultaneously while working and/or studying.