Special radio program to commemorate International Volunteer Day

Global UMH Radio

9 December 2024

December 5 is International Volunteer Day, and to commemorate the occasion, Radio UMH welcomed the Vice Rector for Internationalization and Cooperation at the UMH, Vicente Micol; Director of Development Cooperation and Volunteerism, Juana Aznar; and the head of the Area of Development Cooperation & Volunteerism and International Programs, Laura Parrilla. They came to Radio to UMH to reflect on the role of the UMH in volunteering and programs such as those in Rwanda and #TheUMHAccompaniesYou.

Other guests included technician of Sustainable Development at the UMH, Mar Roldán. She came to discuss the Area of the Environment and Sustainable Development as well as UMH Alumni. Clara Gómez and Gabriel Estañ shared their experiences as volunteers in Rwanda and they encouraged the entire UMH community to participate.

Representing the Association of Relatives and People with Severe Mental Illness of the Province of Alicante (ASFEME) was Mari Carmen Robles; on behalf of the Association of People with Cognitive Functional Diversity (ADIPSI), Esther Higuero; the president of the Elche Association of Autism and Language Spectrum Disorders (AITEAL), Laura Gómez, also participated; Asunción Aznar, from the NGO, Kasumai Elche; Antonio Arteseros, came as a representative of ASPANION; on behalf of the Elche Red Cross were Alejandro Ramón, director Cruz Roja Juventud; and María Bres, technician of employment and fundraising. These individuals talked about the roles of these volunteering entities regarding emergencies, as well as support for area citizens.

This program was hosted by Pablo Aliaga. Marta Llorca provided technical support.