Four volunteer organizations to explain their work and activities to psychology students on February 18


19 February 2025

On Tuesday, February 18, UMH Bachelor’s in Psychology program students can listen to four volunteer organizations explain their activities and the services they provide in a workshop that is taking place from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. local time in Room 1.3 of Altabix Hall on the Elche Campus.

Participants at this event include the Association of Families and People with Severe Mental Illness in the Province of Alicante (ASFEME); Elche Acoge (Elche Welcomes), on migrants and refugees; Teléfono de la Esperanza (Help Line), who deal suicide ideation; and Conciénciate (Become Aware), on people in situations of poverty, homeless, or at risk of social exclusion.

This workshop serves to raise awareness in students, this time psychology students, on the importance and benefits of participating in volunteering endeavors. There will be other similar events for UMH students of other undergraduate programs.