Global UMH
26 June 2023
If you currently are or once were a member of the UMH community (student, alumnus, faculty, research personnel, staff) and want to share your international and/or mobility experience, do not hesitate to fill out this simple form (Spanish) so we can contact you. Participating in Global UMH helps other university community members gain the necessary knowhow before applying for any of our programs. What’s more, all participants receive a small gift.
Who is eligible to participate?
- All UMH community members, past and present, who are participating or have participated in the Erasmus, Destino, SICUE programs; those involved in internationalization efforts for centers and faculties; Buddys; volunteers in Rwanda, as well as other programs or grants awarded by the Vice Rectorate for International Relations in any of its calls.
- Students, incoming faculty & staff (personnel from other universities who are visiting or have visited the UMH).
Where may I participate?
You may collaborate with us in one or more, even in every project that we manage:
- In Global UMH magazine, in both its printed and electronic formats.
- In the monthly program of Global UMH Radio.
- In our section of Experiences on the blog.
- In other projects: videos, photographic exhibitions, etc.
- in our social networks (@globalumh)
How may I participate?
By filling out this simple form (Spanish). We will then email you.