The UMH and the University of Guadalajara, one of the most prominent educational institutions in Mexico, have strengthened ties by signing an extensive and specific mobility agreement for their students and faculty. This agreement was signed at the CUCOSTA campus that the University of Guadalajara has in the city of Puerto Vallarta. Participants in the [...]
The Service of International Relations, Development Cooperation and Volunteerism is moving our office to La Galia building (first floor), where we will reopen for business on October 18. Due to the logistics of our move, we will be unable to provide personal assistance starting at noon on Thursday, October 13, until the following Tuesday morning, [...]
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Students and faculty from the Master’s of New Processes and Products from Traditional and Functional Bakery Products at the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria (Italy) visited the UMH School of Engineering of Orihuela (EPSO) and toured the facilities and laboratories belonging to the Department of Agro-Food Technology. María José Frutos, an associate professor in that [...]
The Vice Rectorate for International Relations at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH) has published the second issue of Global UMH Magazine in Spanish and English, which fulfills two objectives: to serve as a letter of presentation for the university and to publicize its international activities. This issue features the UMH Development Cooperation and Volunteerism [...]
This is the seventh installment of Memoirs of a UMH physician in Africa, a collection of writings by Mariano Pérez, coordinator of the UMH development cooperation program in Rwanda. If you would like to read previous installments, click here (all texts are in Spanish): Warning: contains photographs that may be offensive to some viewers. Nada más llegar [...]