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The Vice Rectorate for International Relations at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH) hereby publishes the second call from the Erasmus+ mobility program for training stays by Administrative and Services Personnel during the 2023/2023 academic year. Individuals interested in applying for aid may do so through the Electronic Office of the UMH (, at [...]

15 February 2023


The Vice Rectorate for International Relations, along with the Service of International Relations, Development Cooperation and Volunteerism, has just published the eighth issue of Global UMH magazine. Highlights from it include special details on the 21st Meeting of Rectors of the Tordesillas Group, which on November 7 & 8 is discussing open science as a [...]

4 November 2022


The Vice Rectorate for International Relations at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH) hereby publishes the definitive list of applications accepted and the provisional list of financial aid allocated from the 1st call from the Erasmus+ program for faculty & research personnel to teach (STA) and to receive training (STT) for the 2022/2023 school [...]

26 October 2022


The 21st Meeting of Rectors of the Tordesillas Group, which is taking place at the Miguel Hernández university of Elche (UMH) November 6 – 8, 2022, has launched its new website. It contains all important information related to this event, its speakers, and the links for registering for the event. This website represents yet another tool [...]

22 September 2022


The Miguel Hernández University of Elche hereby publishes the call for awards for solidary projects with participation by UMH students. Further information is available at this link.

14 September 2022


The Vice Rectorate for International Relations at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche hereby publishes the provisional list of financial aid allocated from the call for support by the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE) and complementary UMH aid for student participants in the Erasmus+ international mobility program for study stays during 2022/2023. All [...]

13 September 2022

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