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The Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH) has implemented the new Area of Hispanic American Studies, under the Miguel Hernández Chair directed by Professor Francisco Esteve, the result of a specific collaboration agreement between the UMH vice rectorates of International Relations and Institutional Relations and the Academic Language Institute. Its main objective is to project the...
The Vice Rectorate for International Relations of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH) has published the Destino program calls for the internationalization of teaching activities. This assistance aims to strengthen international projection of the UMH through internationalization of its education and the establishment of links with foreign institutions of higher education. Assistance can be...
Mi estancia en otra ciudad gracias a la beca SICUE durante el último año de carrera me permitió desarrollarme en el ámbito personal y profesional. Todo y que enfrentarse a una ciudad nueva desde cero puede parecer abrumador, es sin duda es una oportunidad única para conocer a todo tipo de personas y, por qué no,...
The Vice Rectorate for International Relations of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche has announced two places to participate in the Capacity Building in the Field of Youth project of Capacities for Climate Change (C4CC), wherein the UMH participates along with other institutions and whose aim is for young people from different countries to discuss...
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