Buddy program

14 June 2024

What is the Buddy Program?

Buddy Program dinner 2021It is a program developed by the Service of International Relations in order to help exchange students integrate socially and academically at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche.


The main intention with this program is to ensure that all new international students receive assistance and feedback from Miguel Hernández University students before, during, and after their arrival in Spain. Another positive side to the Buddy Program is that it gives you (Spanish students or continuing international students) the opportunity to meet new people and to help them explore the city, to make new friends, and help them with everything that you needed to discover when you came here. This can also be a great opportunity to practice languages.

What is the purpose of the program?

  • Integration of exchange students at the university.
  • Assist and exchange students adjust to Spanish social and academic life.
  • Enrichment of foreign language proficiency for both.
  • Meet new people from different countries, practicing their language, learning about their customs and culture.

What do i have to do to become a Buddy?

If you want to help an exchange student, complete the application form that you will find here (Google forms, Spanish)

If you want to be helped by a local student, complete the application form that you will find here (Spanish)

How do i certify that i have been a Buddy?

How to apply for Buddy UMH certificate infographic

The Service of International Relations will request a report from the student who was helped by you.

Save the e-mails you exchange with your foreign student. These e-mails, along with the exchange student’s report, will serve to justify that you have been a Buddy.