Service of International Relations, Development Cooperation and Volunteerism

6 September 2024

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Director of the Service of International Relations, Development Cooperation and Volunteerism

  • Inmaculada Blaya Salvador

Tel.: +34 96 665 8710

Service sections: Mobility, Language Support, Development Cooperation & Volunteerism and International Programs



This area manages national and international mobility programs so UMH students can carry out educational stays and internships at Spanish and foreign universities under the Erasmus+ program.
Further information

  • Mónica Candela Sempere – Section Head. Management of Erasmus+ mobility for students, faculty/researchers, and staff. Incoming faculty/researchers and staff mobility. AIEFI – Destino program for faculty/researchers and staff – PRODIC international projects.
  • Ana Isabel Pulgar García – Destino incoming & Erasmus+ mobility for faculty/researchers and staff programs economic Management.
  • Susi Olivares Soto – Student mobility – Outgoing Destino & Erasmus+ programs.
  • María José Palao Bueno – Outgoing Erasmus+ mobility for faculty/researchers and staff.
  • Elías Poveda Guilló – Student mobility – SICUE program management – Dual/Joint programs – Visiting students.
  • Nuria Quiles Maciá – Student mobility – Destino incoming & Erasmus+ programs.
  • Ana Sempere Méndez – Erasmus incoming student mobility.

Tel.: +34 96 665 8710

Language Support – Lingua

The main functions here are to translate and edit documents related to international projection of the UMH.
Further information

  • Paul Nordstrom – Translations & UMH English website.

Tel.: +34 96 522 2408


This area coordinates strategic actions to enhance visibility and the international projection of the UMH, recruit students and faculty from prestigious foreign universities, and facilitate participation by the university community in international mobility programs.
Further information

  • Ursula Kress Mattis – AIEFI – Destino PDI and faculty/researchers and staff – International projects

Tel.: +34 96 665 8667
Tel.: +34 96 665 8710

Development Cooperation & Volunteerism and International Programs

This area’s main function is to promote and channel lines of solidarity actions that arise out of our university community and from society in general, with the aim of achieving the objectives established in the University Development Cooperation Strategy, within the framework of the Sustainable Development Objectives (SDG) from the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations. This area also strives to facilitate participation by the university community in projects (cooperation and international).
Further information

  • Laura Parrilla Serrano. Section Head
  • Estefanía Esclapez Moreno
  • Lorena García de la Torre
  • Izabela Swiecicka Rodríguez
  • Luis Torrús Cortés

Tels.: +34 96 665 8683 / +34 96 522 2175 / +34 96 522 2129

Service of International Relations, Development Cooperation and Volunteerism

UMH International Relations Service Quality Reports buttom
Service charter

Location and mailing address
Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche
Edificio La Galia, second floor
Avenida de la Universidad, s/n
03202 Elche (Alicante), Spain
Locate the UMH II.RR. in a map

Business hours
Monday thru Friday
9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Central European Time