Director of Development Cooperation and Volunteerism, Juana Aznar, awards five UMH Prosperity Chair prizes

The Director of Development Cooperation and Volunteerism, Juana Aznar, awards five UMH Prosperity Chair prizes

June 12, 2024

Last week, the Director of Development Cooperation and Volunteerism and secretary of the Chair of Sustainable Development Cooperation, ‘Prosperity,’ Juana Aznar, awarded five UMH Prosperity Chair prizes for final degree projects, final master’s projects, and doctoral theses in the spirt of promotion of the Sustainable Development Goals and the P for Prosperity from the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations at Universitat Jaume I facilities in Castellón, Spain.

This award ceremony, organized by the Chair of Sustainable Development Cooperation at the Universitat Jaume I and in conjunction with the Valencian Network of Chairs for Sustainable Development Cooperation of the remaining public Valencian universities, was part of the ‘Five Spheres to Transform our Campuses’ event.

To conclude this act, a meeting was held by the representatives of the five public Valencian university chairs wherein they shared experiences and future challenges. They also had a conference on the responsibilities of the university system to form committed citizens who possess critical skills.

These activities are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals proposed in the 2030 Agenda, and they focus specifically on SDG 17, Partnerships for the Goals.