
21 May 2024

4th Basic training on volunteering posterBASIC TRAINING IN VOLUNTEERING EDITION IV

The Unit of Development Cooperation and Volunteerism at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH) hereby announces the fourth edition of its Basic Training in Volunteering course, set to take place virtually on May 7, 9, and 13, 2024.

By undergoing this training, its participants can learn what volunteering entails, discover the areas where they may volunteer, understand the importance of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda, and assimilate the rights and duties of volunteers.

This training is 15 hours long, comprised of 7 hours of online lectures and 8 hours of work:

  • May 7 & 9, 2024 (10 a.m. – noon CET)
  • May 13, 2024 (10 a.m. – 1 p.m. CET)

You may consult the course program at the following link:

The registration period opens on Friday, April 25, and will remain so through May 5. This training offer is free of charge, and its attendees may earn transversal credits with their participation. Click the following link to register:

Type of teaching: Development Cooperation and Volunteering

This action forms part of the University Development Cooperation Program at the UMH, which is subsidized by the Directorate General of International Development Cooperation, the Second Vice Presidency, and the Ministry of Social Sciences, Equality, and Housing at the Generalitat Valenciana.

BASIC TRAINING ON VOLUNTEERING EDITION III3rd Basic training on volunteering poster

The registration period has opened to participate in the Basic Training on Volunteering course, which will take place virtually March 29-31, 2021.

You may consult the course contents by perusing the following link to the course program, Basic Training on Volunteering:

This course is 15 hours in length. Of these, 7 are online hours of lecture; the remaining 8 are comprised of practical tasks.

Registration period: February 25 – March 20, 2021

Join us via the following link and register:

In Tipo de enseñanza, select COOPERACIÓN AL DESARROLLO Y VOLUNTARIADO. Then, in Enseñanza, select Formación Básica en Voluntariado.

This course is free of charge, and by taking part, you may receive transversal competencies credits.

The training in this course forms part of the ITINERARY FOR VOLUNTEERS AT THE UMH. This ‘voyage’ is a process of dynamic and flexible experiential learning, with different milestones that instill in its students aspects of volunteering actions and international development cooperation.

The phases of the itinerary include:

  • Completion of the Basic Training on Volunteering.
  • Completion of specific training on international development cooperation, and more specifically, in Rwanda.
  • Completion in situ of the voluntary action of international development cooperation (Rwanda).
  • Active participation in the organization of voluntary promotion workshops at the UMH.
  • Participation in the Cooperation Workshops of the 5 Public Universities of the Valencian Community.

These phases or activities that make up the itinerary may be completed in their entirety as well as independently.