Area of US Hispanic Studies

28 May 2024

What is the Area of US Hispanic Studies?

The Area of US Hispanic Studies is a cultural and academic initiative coordinated by the vice rectorates for Institutional Relations and International Relations of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (Alicante, Spain). It is a part of the Miguel Hernández Chair and its main objective is to promote, study, and appreciate cultural, literary, and artistic achievements of US Hispanics in addition to making the poet Miguel Hernández better known in the United States.

For this double purpose, the Area of US Hispanic Studies will work to create collaboration agreements that serve to promote academic and scientific activities at universities in the US and in Spain.

What are the functions of the UMH Miguel Hernández Chair?

  1. 1. Disseminate his life and work within academic circles.
  2. 2. Foster promotion and development of actions and activities that expand the chair’s social projection.
  3. 3. Foment collaboration and agreements with other public and private institutions and agencies.
  4. 4. Organize symposia, seminars, courses, scientific meetings, and forums for debate and reflection, in addition to study programs and research.