Last week, professors Naira Aloyan, Ara Amiryan, and Aghavard Khachatryan, three faculty from the Armenian National Agrarian University visited the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH).

During their stay, professors Aloyan and Amiryan held different seminars at the School of Engineering of Orihuela (EPSO), while professor Khachatryan undertook a training stay along with UMH faculty. These actions are part of the Erasmus+ KA107 program, managed by the Vice Rectorate for International Relations.

In these seminars, students from the Bachelor’s in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering learned about the global situation of hydrogeology and its impact on agriculture and human activity. These sessions also examined systems for saving water and new calculation methods for efficient use and conservation of groundwater.



Learning went both ways, as professor Aghavard received training on statistical mathematical methods along with EPSO faculty, and he was able to learn about the programs and methodologies implemented at the UMH. Furthermore, he gave a demonstration on mathematical models for the geographical spread of epidemics.

Before finishing their stay, the Armenian faculty visited the Elche campus where they toured the School of Engineering of Elche (EPSE) with Alberto Rodríguez, Deputy Director –International Relations, and Ramón Peral, Deputy Director – Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering. This meeting served to broaden the interinstitutional agreement of the area of mechanical engineering and to strengthen relationships between both universities.