The radio station that was set up in summer 2019 in Musanze, Rwanda with support from the UMH Board of Trustees, collaboration from Radio UMH, and coordination from the Vice Rectorate for International Relations and the UMH Headquarters in Rwanda Chair, has restarted programming after Covid-19 suspended operations for some time. From May 19 – [...]
Elche Parkinson’s Association has begun its programa VOLUNTARIA-T con el párkinson (Volunteer with Parkinson’s), which provides information, raises awareness, and attracts accompanying volunteers. This program aims to open a space for participation, introducing volunteers to collaborate with the association. As such, they are seeking volunteers to commit to spending time with people affected by Parkinson’s disease, [...]
Close to 150 people participated in the Basic Volunteering Training course given by the Area of Development Cooperation and Volunteerism at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche. Initially, this course was expecting some 30 participants, but due to the high interest, and to better accommodate those interested in taking part, two separate sessions of this [...]
BASIC TRAINING ON VOLUNTEERING The registration period is open to participate in the ‘Basic Training on Volunteering‘ course, which will take place virtually March 29-31, 2021. Information on the course program is available by clicking here: This course is 15 hours in length. Of these, 7 are online hours of lecture; the remaining 8 consist of practical tasks. The [...]
[ February 25, 2021 2:00 pm a March 20, 2021 2:00 pm. ] The registration period is open to participate in the ‘Basic Training on Volunteering‘ course, which will take place virtually March 29-31, 2021. Information on the course program is available by clicking here. This course is 15 hours in length. Of these, 7 are online hours of lecture; the remaining 8 consist of practical tasks. The registration Period [...]
Throughout the course of events and social problems that the Covid-19 pandemic is provoking within the population, the Miguel Hernández University of Elche and the Area of Development Cooperation and Volunteerism that is part of the Vice Rectorate for International Relations, and in conjunction with the Spanish Red Cross, has begun a second call for [...]