Global UMH Radio

26 February 2025

Global UMH map illustration

This space highlights Global UMH radio programs, whose objectives include the following:


  1. Disseminate and promote the internationalization programs at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche.
  2. Bring students, faculty & research personnel, and staff up to date about mobility programs, international relations, and development cooperation at the Service of International Relations, Development Cooperation and Volunteerism.
  3. Encourage participation by the university community in such programs.
  4. Provide a voice for students, faculty & research personnel, and staff who have undergone an international experience thanks to the UMH.

Would you like to participate on Global UMH Radio?

Send us an email to

Programs (The audio is in Spanish):

Seventh season (2021-2022)

03×08 (14/12/2022):

02×08 (17/11/2022):

01×08 (19/10/2022):

7X09 (14/09/2022):

7X09 (20/07/2022):

7X08 (22/06/2022):

7X07 (25/05/2022):

7X06 (27/04/2022):

07×05 (26/01/2022):

07×04 (15/12/2021):

07×03 (17/11/2021):

07×02 (20/10/2021):

07×01 (29/09/2021):

Sixth season (2020-2021)

06×09 (07/07/21):

06×08 (09/06/21):

06×07 (19/05/21):

6×06 (17/03/2021):

5×06 (17/02/2021):

4×06 (20/01/2021):

03×06 (16/12/2020):

02×06 (18/11/2020):

01×06 (21/10/2020):

Fifth season (2019-2020)

04×05 (17/01/2020):

03×05 (17/01/2020):

02×05 (08/11/2019):

Program 33 de Global UMH

01×05 (11/10/2019)

01×05 (11/10/2019)

Fourth season (2018-2019)

Program 32 de Global UMH

06×04 (27/05/2019)

Program 31 Global UMH

05×04 (25/03/2019)

Program 30 Global UMH

04×04 (25/02/2019)

Program 29 Global UMH

03×04 (17/12/2018)

Program 28 Global UMH

02×04 (19/11/2018)

Program 27 Global UMH

01×04 (22/10/2018)

Third season (2017-2018)

Program 26 Global UMH

04×03 (30/07/2018)

Program 25 de Global UMH

03×03 (19/02/2018)

Program 24 de Global UMH

02×03 (20/11/2017)

Program 23 de Global UMH

01×03 (23/10/2017)

Second season (2016-2017)

Program 22 de Global UMH

11×02 (15/05/17)

Program 21 Global UMH

10×02 (10/04/17)

Program 20 Global UMH

09×02 (27/02/17)

Program 19 Global UMH

08×02 (13/02/2017)

Program 18 Global UMH

07×02 (16/01/2017)

Program 17 Global UMH

06×02 (19/12/2016): Cancelled.

05×02 (12/12/2016)

Program 16 Global UMH

04×02 (21/11/2016)

Program 15 Global UMH

03×02 (07/11/2016)

Program 14 Global UMH

02×02 (24/10/2016)

Program 13 Global UMH

01×02 (10/10/2016)

First season (2015-2016)

Program 12 Global UMH

11×01 (11/05/2016)

Program 11 Global UMH

10×01 (02/05/2016)

Program 10 Global UMH

09×01 (18/04/2016)

Program 09 Global UMH

08×01 (14/03/2016)

Program 08 Global UMH

07×01 (29/02/2016)

Program 07 Global UMH

06×01 (15/02/2016)

Program 06 Global UMH

05×01 (11/01/2016)

Program 05 Global UMH

04×01 (12/21/2015)

Program 04 Global UMH

03×01 (23/11/2015)

Program 03 Global UMH
02×01 (09/11/2015): Interviews with Laura Kazakis, an incoming ERASMUS student of medicine from the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Germany); and Pablo González, a UMH undergraduate journalism student in Bolonia (Italy).

Program 02 Global UMH
01×01 (26/10/2015): Interviews with Vicente Micol, Vice Rector for International Relations; and Inmaculada Blaya, Director of the Service of International Relations, Development Cooperation and Volunteerism.

Program 01 Global UMH