UMH Erasmus Experience Club

31 May 2024

Club ERASMUS Experience logoThe UMH Erasmus Experience Club forms one part of the Vice Rectorate for International Relations at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche.

The club is managed by a group of UMH students who aim to bring the university closer to all students, especially those attending the UMH on exchange programs.

Its purpose is to facilitate the integration of foreign students into the academic and cultural aspects of our university. This is accomplished by carrying out social and cultural activities, taking field trips and rural excursions, in addition to publicizing knowledge about the countries of origin of the foreign students who are here, learning within our classrooms, making up a part of our university community.

The UMH Erasmus Experience Club organizes many kinds of activities throughout the school year, but it is also yearning for proposals from its members about organizing other activities. You may propose an activity by sending an email to ; you may also do so via Instagram

By creating the UMH Erasmus Experience Club, the UMH intends to create an international forum for interaction, one that is both virtual and up close and personal, that fosters and energizes international interactions and activities among the university community by sharing experiences and organizing various kinds of events. The creation of a student network around the club helps promote the processes of internationalization and Europeanization of all UMH groups through different shared activities. This network also nurtures the development of new forums, face-to-face and virtual alike, for intercultural participation and coexistence.

Club membership

All students enrolled in official UMH programs who are currently carrying out an Erasmus mobility stay of at least one semester in length, during any academic year of their undergraduate program, are eligible for club membership, as are all Erasmus incoming students. Students who have applied for an Erasmus place mobility stay at the UMH for the upcoming school year are also eligible for club membership.

UMH Erasmus Experience Club members enjoy:

  • Accreditation as a club member.
  • Access to club-related computer applications.
  • An invitation to the Erasmus Welcome UMH Workshop.
  • Discount of 75% for the UMH athletic card.
  • Other additional advantages that materialize in the future.

UMH Erasmus Experience Club members commit themselves to collaborate, as much as possible, in club activities and its promotion, as well as attend planned events that are open to the entire university community; the intent of this collaboration is to enhance their internationalization and mobility experience.

Club operations

The UMH Erasmus Experience Club student coordinator is, for one school year, responsible for managing and marketing club activities. Coordinator candidates are nominated by the Student Delegation prior to June 15 of each school year, and then one is appointed by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Coordination. The coordinator receives 3 credits of their choice, and a possible stipend or travel allowance provided the budget so allows. “Normativa de reconocimiento de competencias transversales y profesionales de los títulos de grado de la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (224Kb Spanish .pdf)”

Club coordinators may consult with the UMH Erasmus Experience Club Monitoring Committee, which is comprised of the General Student Delegate, Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Coordination, Vice Rector for International Relations, or persons delegated for such, and a representative from the university staff (PAS). Furthermore, the Student Delegation will assist the club coordinator with holding proposed activities in addition to their promotion via their respective structures.

The club coordinator prepares a Plan of Activities for the subsequent school year before July 15 for the UMH Erasmus Experience Club Monitoring Committee for its possible approval on or before September 15. Throughout each school year, the coordinator, with approval by the General Student Delegation, may propose activities in addition to those initially planned provided they contribute to club objectives. Each annual report must include, at least, an Erasmus Student Welcome UMH Workshop, activities that promote groups for conversation, the use of foreign languages, and that establish social networks, both physical and via new information technologies, for disseminating and setting activities in motion.

The coordinator is also responsible for ensuring that the entire university community is aware of the club and its activities.

Before the end of each school year, the coordinator prepares an Annual report about the activities carried out during that school year. This is then submitted to the Monitoring Committee for approval before July 30. At such time, the coordinator steps down provided a new coordinator has been appointed for the upcoming school year.

For further information or for any questions you may have, you may write the club via email to