Dual/Joint international doctorates
24 March 2025
NEW (March 20, 2024): Click the following link to consult the publication of the resolution in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat Valenciana from March 20, 2024.
Publication of the resolution in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat Valenciana
The period for submitting applications is open for ten working days that begin counting on the day after publication of the extract of this call in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat Valenciana (DOGV): thus, the period is March 21 – April 9, 2024.
Applicants must submit their application via the Electronic Office of the UMH, making use of their electronic certificate or their UMH user account. To do this, they must gain access to this specific procedure: MOVILIDAD- Programa internacional de salida para estudiantes”:
The application form must include the following documentation:
- Application form found Anexo II / Annex II of the call.
- Copy of Spanish National ID card, passport, or residence permit.
- Copy of academic transcript.
- Curriculum vitae (CVN; 4 pages maximum).
- Copy of certification or accrediting document of knowledge of languages.
- The agreement of the modality of international co-tutoring or dual international doctorate.
- Acceptance by the coordinator of the UMH doctoral program.
- Acceptance by the coordinator of the doctoral program at the hosting institution.
- Accreditation, if applicable, of the concession of a predoctoral grant from a public call.
(March 14, 2024): The Vice Rectorate for Internationalization and Cooperation at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH) hereby publishes in the Official Gazette of the UMH from 13 March 2024 the call for Financial Aid for International Doctoral Program Stays in the Modalities of International Co-tutoring and Dual International Doctorates for the 2023-2024 school year.
Click the following link for the complete text of the call:
The period for submitting applications is open for ten working days that begin counting on the day after publication of the extract of this call in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat Valenciana (DOGV).
- Listado provisional ayudas doctorado-cotutela admisión-provisional (221Kb .pdf)
- Convocatoria de Ayudas para estancias de doble Doctorado Internacional/Cotutela Internacional de la UMH durante el curso académico 2020/2021 (479Kb .pdf)
- Listado definitivo de Ayudas para estancias de doble Doctorado Internacional/Cotutuela Internacional de la UMH para el curso académico 2018/2019 (395Kb .pdf)
- Convocatoria de ayudas para estancias de doble Doctorado Internacional/Cotutela Internacional de la UMH durante el curso académico 2018/2019 (5,42Mb .pdf)
- Declaración por la que se declara desierta la convocatoria de ayudas de Doctorado Internacional/Cotutela Internacional de la UMH durante el curso académico 2017/2018 (875Kb .pdf)
- Listado provisional de solicitudes admitidas y excluidas. Apertura plazo de subsanación (301Kb .pdf)
- Convocatoria para realizar una estancia académica en el marco del Programa de Doble de Doctorado Internacional/Cotutela Internacional en universidades socias, al amparo de convenios de Dobles Doctorados Internacionales/Cotutela Internacional (2,40Kb .pdf)
- Importe de las ayudas, los criterios de valoración y el resto de bases reguladoras pueden consultarse en el siguiente texto (2,40Kb .pdf)
University | Country | Level | Program |
Universidad de Sao Paolo y Universidad de Porto | Brasil y Portugal | Doctorate |
Public Health, Medical and Surgical Sciences |
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso | Chile | Doctorate |
Statistics, Optimization and Applied Mathematics |
Universidad de Sonora | Mexico | Doctorate |
Agricultural, Agro-Environmental and Food Resources and Technologies |
Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences | Polond | Doctorate | Agricultural, Agro-Environmental and Food Resources and Technologies |
Universitá degli Studi di Firenze | Italy | Doctorate | Agricultural, Agro-Environmental and Food Resources and Technologies |
Universidad Nacional Agraria de La Molina | Perú | Doctorate | Agricultural, Agro-Environmental and Food Resources and Technologies |
Universidade de Sao Paulo | Brazil | Doctorate | Public Health, Medical and Surgical Sciences |
Universidad Tecnológica de Kaunas | Lithuania | Doctorate |
Industrial and Telecommunications Technologies |
Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (CINVESTAV) | Mexico | Doctorate | Industrial and Telecommunications Technologies |
Universidad Autónoma de Nueva León | Mexico | Doctorate | Industrial and Telecommunications Technologies |