Faced with the COVID-19 pandemic and the declaration of a state of emergency by the Spanish government to combat it, the Miguel Hernández University of Elche, through its area of Development Cooperation and Volunteerism at the Vice Rectorate for International Relations, and in conjunction with the Spanish Red Cross, is launching the #LaUMHteAcompaña (TheUMHaccompaniesyou) voluntary...
Given the situation we find ourselves in deriving from the COVID-19 health crisis, and due to the declaration of a state of emergency by the Spanish government, the SICUE commission has hereby decided to suspend the deadlines for the current SICUE call. Accordingly, such periods will remain suspended while the state of emergency remains in...
Due to the progressive implementation of emergency measures to combat the coronavirus in various countries, the Cervantes Institute hereby informs about the following: CCSE calls for March and April have been cancelled in every country. Everybody registered for either of these two calls will be changed to the calls for May and June of...
On March 14, a state of emergency was declared by the Government of Spain in Royal Decree 463/2020 in order to address the ongoing health crisis caused by the coronavirus. The measures that this declaration imposes, in addition to the directives adopted by the regional government of Valencia, has hereby suspended all mobility by students...
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