The Vice Rectorate for International Relations at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche hereby publishes the provisional list of financial aid allocated from the call for support by the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE) and complementary UMH aid for student participants in the Erasmus+ international mobility program for study stays during 2022/2023....
The Vice Rectorate for International Relations at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche hereby publishes the provisional list of applications accepted and rejected from the call for UMH financial aid to carry out external internships abroad for the Master’s in Development Cooperation for the specialty of “health in developing countries.” Click this link to see...
The Federal University of São João del-Rei (UFSJ) has announced a call to select PhD candidates among foreign applicants (of any nationality except for Brazilian). The five grants are paid (see attached document) and the application process is completed online. Selected candidates must then reside in Brazil, within the state of Minas Gerais (in the...
The Vice Rectorate for International Relations at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche hereby announces the Mudi Program(目的) for international student mobility during the upcoming 2022/2023 school year. This program will enable five students (3 undergraduate and 2 master) to study at the Wuzi University of Beijing in China for a period of six months....
Some 300 incoming students are hereby encouraged to participate in the Welcome Days that are being offered by the Vice Rectorate for International Relations at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH) over the days of September 13 – 15, 2023. This welcoming event is being held virtually over three days, from 0900 – 1100...
The meeting will bring together rectors from Spanish, Portuguese, and Brazilian universities On November 6 – 8, 2022, the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH) is hosting the 21st Meeting of Rectors of the Tordesillas Group, of which the Elche university currently holds this group’s presidency. This meeting, whose registration period has now opened, is...