
19 January 2024

The Miguel Hernández University of Elche, as a disseminator of knowledge, promotor of innovation, progress, and international cooperation, plays a fundamental role in achieving sustainable development around the world through fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). For these purposes, establishing links and alliances with other entities and organisms (SDG 17) is required.

UMH alliances in terms of cooperation with other entities and organisms, aim to, among others:

  • Create synergies for work and collaboration.
  • Strengthen the mobilization of domestic resources in order to improve abilities to collect taxes and other revenue.
  • Mobilize additional financial resources from multiple sources for developing countries.
  • Increase national and international support for carrying out effective and specific capacity-building activities in developing countries to support national plans for the implementation of all of the Sustainable Development Goals.


UMH partnerships with other entities

Asociación DAño CErebral Adquirido Provincia de Alicante logo PVCV Plataforma de Voluntariado de la Comunidad Valenciana alianzas UMH logo ONGD Coordinadora Valenciana alianzas UMH logo Cruz Roja Española alianzas UMH logoFundación Vicente Ferrer alianzas UMH logo

Pacto Mundial Red Española alianzas UMH alianzas UMH logo Xarxa Vives de Universidades logoChair Ruanda UMH logo Chair Cooperación y Desarrollo Sostenible Prosperidad UMH logo Observatorio CUD logo Red Sanitaria Solidaria Alicante logo Generalitat Valenciana logo
CRUE Universidades Españolas logo