2024-2025 Erasmus+ Study Places

17 February 2025

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2024-2025 call

NEW (May 23, 2024) The Vice Rectorate for Internationalization and Cooperation at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH) hereby publishes the provisional list of applications accepted and those rejected from the second Erasmus+ international mobility program call for study places during 2024/2025.

The period for submitting applications will begin after publication in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat Valenciana (this should occur soon).




(March 27, 2024) The Vice Rectorate for Internationalization and Cooperation at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH) hereby publishes the definitive list of place assignments from the Erasmus+ program call for student studies during the 2024-2025 school year.

The following links allow for consultation by faculty and by school:

Informative sessions for students who have been assigned a place are taking place as follows:




April 10, 2024 Undergraduate Room

Tudemir Building

 10:00 a.m. CET



April 10, 2024

Room 1.1B

12:30 p.m. CET

Elche April 10, 2024

Room 1.6

Arenals Building

4:00 p.m. CET

Altea April 15, 2024

Room 3

Albir Building

10:00 a.m. CET

San Juan April 15, 2024

Room 0.6

Marie Curie Building

1:00 p.m. CET


(March 1, 2024) The Vice Rectorate for Internationalization and Cooperation hereby publishes the definitive list of applications accepted and those rejected, the provisional list of places assigned in the Erasmus+ call for study exchanges during the 2024/2025 school year, as well as the procedures intervening in the movement of lists and auction of Erasmus places.

List of Erasmus places by faculty & school:

Students interested in filing claims have between March 4 – 15, 2024 to do so via the Electronic Office.

Students who are the beneficiary of an Erasmus place must present their acceptance or rejection of said place between March 4 – 15, 2024 to do so via the Electronic Office. In cases where these students present neither an acceptance or rejected, it will be understood that said students thereby rejects that place (Annex III).

Once the period established in the preceding paragraph finishes, the lists will begin to move and an auction will be held to fill any remaining vacant places. The criteria established for the movement of the lists and the auction is defined in Annex IV.

The times and places for the movement of lists and auctions are as follows:

Orihuela (Desamparados) March 25, 2024


Meet address pending confirmation

10 a.m. Central European Time

Altea March 25, 2024 Online:

Meet address pending confirmation

12 p.m. CET

San Juan March 25, 2024


Meet address pending confirmation

1 p.m. CET

Elche March 25, 2024


Meet address pending confirmation

4 p.m. CET


IMPORTANT: If any interested party is unable to attend the movement of lists and public auction of places, they may authorize somebody else to take their place. To do just this, they must present the corresponding authorizing in addition to photocopies of the people who are both authorizing and that person authorized

(February 2, 2024) The Vice Rectorate for Internationalization and Cooperation at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH) hereby publishes the provisional list of applications accepted and those rejected from the call for places for student participants in the Erasmus+ international mobility program for study stays during the 2024/2025 school year.

To consult the list, click the following link:

Provisional list of applications accepted and those rejected.

Individuals interested in presenting claims or making corrections to their application have through February 15, 2024, to do so over the ELECTRONIC OFFICE of the UMH by following the following steps:

  1. Enter the section of mis trámites in the Electronic Office at https://universite.umh.es/MisTramites.
  2. Enter your UMH username and password.
  3. Click on the expedientes
  4. Select the open expediente that is related to this Erasmus call for places. Right click the detalle button, and choose the subsanar/otros trámites
  5. Complete the expone/solicita de la instancia general indicando el motivo de la petición
  6. Attach any necessary documents.
  7. Click Presentar en Registro.

(January 15, 2024) The Vice Rectorate for Internationalization and Cooperation hereby publishes the call for the Erasmus+ international mobility program for studies during the 2024/2025 school year.

The period for submitting applications is January 12 – 22, 2024.

All required documentation must be submitted as follows:

Applications must be submitted electronically (online) via the ELECTRONIC OFFICE, (in Programas de intercambio), then (in Movilidad de estudiantes en programas de intercambio), and then (in Programa ERASMUS ESTUDIANTES. Convocatoria: 2024). Once completed and signed, to be considered, this must be submitted via the Registro at the Registrar Solicitud link on or before January 22, 2024.

The required documents include the following:

  1. Signed application (after completing the online application).
  2. Copy of Spanish National ID Card (DNI), passport, or residency permit.
  3. Copy of academic transcript (non-official variety).
  4. Copy of certificate or document accrediting knowledge of languages. Students who have passed a language level test at the Language Center must present a copy of the receipt of payment for the exam fees. The Service of International Relations, Development Cooperation and Volunteerism will verify this information and attach the result of the test.
  5. Curriculum Vitae, if applicable (See anexo II, Listado de plazas con entrevista).
  6. Buddy Certification, if applicable.
  7. Certificación alumno Promotor, if applicable.

Language level test for Erasmus+ program

(December 11, 2023) If you are a member of the UMH community and are going to apply for an Erasmus stay, remember that you must accredit your language level of the language within the destination country/ies. You may do this by submitting an official language certificate, or by taking a language level test.

Next, we will explain all the details of this language level test. These take place in the UMH Language Center for English, French, Italian, and German.

UMH students, faculty & research personnel, as well as UMH administrative & services personnel who want to participate in the Erasmus program or other mobility programs and who are unable to accredit their language level with an official certification may sit for these examinations.

Registration deadlines:

ITALIAN: December 14 at 10:00 CET (limited places).

GERMAN: December 18 at 10:00 CET (limited places).

FRENCH: December 19 at 10:00 CET (limited places).

ENGLISH: December 21 at 10:00 CET (limited places).

You may consult all information on the UMH Language Center website.