Elche Parkinson’s Association begins Volunteer with Parkinson’s program

Elche Parkinson’s Association has begun its programa VOLUNTARIA-T con el párkinson (Volunteer with Parkinson’s), which provides information, raises awareness, and attracts accompanying volunteers.

This program aims to open a space for participation, introducing volunteers to collaborate with the association. As such, they are seeking volunteers to commit to spending time with people affected by Parkinson’s disease, because such assistance can improve their socialization skills and social involvement, help them to remain more active, and come out of isolation. This associating hopes that this time spent is enriching for both parties.

All the information about this program and how to participate is available at https://parkinsonelche.es/voluntariado/

Furthermore, if you are interested in helping out, you can contact the association by sending them an email to . You may also reach them by telephone at 965031826.