Projectes KA2 en curs

25 de gener 2024

Erasmus+ logo proyectos Cofinançat pel programa Erasmus+ de la Unió Europea programa botó

Convocatòria 2023
Agrobiotech logo Cooperation partnerships in higher education
AGRO-BIOTECH: Smooth Transition from Academia to a Carrier in Agro- Biotechnology: Designing Carrier Pla
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Visionair logo Erasmus+ Cooperation partenariats in higher education
VISIONAIR: Increasing the visibility and knowledge base on air quality with big data and its impact on the population health
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OpenUS4ALL: Open Universal Steam For All EU projecte logo Partnerships in the fields of education, training and youth
OpenUS4ALL: Open Universal Steam For All
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Abraxas logo Cooperation Partenariat in Higher Education
Abraxas: Best practices for high-immersion experiences design
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Convocatòria 2022
Ideal 2.0 logo Sport Collaborative Partenariat
IDEAL 2.0: Inclusivament and Equitable sport for people with Autism and Intellectual Disability
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Icoopeb logo Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education
ICOOPEB: Innovations éducatives, socials et technologiques pour le développement agricole durable et le coopérativisme dans els territories ruraux d’Amazonie équatorienne et brésilienne
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Catedra Jean Monnet ReinforceEU logo Jean Monnet Actions
Càtedra Jean Monnet «Strengthening the European Union by reinforcing its values" (ReinforcEU)»
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Convocatòria 2021
Cybersecurity logo Cooperation Partenariats in School Education
CYBERSECURITY: Empowering Teachers to Trigger Cybersecurity at School
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XL Extended Learning logo Cooperation Partenariats in Higher Education
XL: Esteneu Learning for Higher Education teachers and trainers
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Convocatòria 2020
The NeurotechEU logo European Universities
Neurotechᴱᵁ: The European University of Brain and Technology
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Susta Teaching Sustainability logo Strategic Partenariat for Higher Education
SUSTA: Teaching Sustainability in Higher Education in the Field of Economics and Management
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Domotic School Garden logo Strategic Partenariat for Adult Education
Domotic School Garden
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EuroDisBioFood logo Strategic Partenariat for Higher Education
EuroDisBioFood: European Dimension of Internationalization of Doctoral Study in Biotechnology and Food Sciences
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Convocatòria 2019
NEGHTRA logo Knowledge Alliance
NEGHTRA: Next Generation Training on Intelligent Greenhouses
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U4Inclusion logo Strategic Partenariat for Higher Education
U4INCLUSION: Universitats per la inserció laboral de persones amb discapacitat intel·lectual
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SuCCESS proyecto logo Capacity Building for Higher Education
SuCCESS: Strengthening Criminology teaching through Cooperation among European and South-American universities
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Projectes KA2 concedits finalitzats

Convocatòria 2020
Katamaran projecte logos
KATAMARAN: B-Innova - Màster in Food Technology - joint Màster's degree studies of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences and the University Miguel Hernandez d'Elx in Food Technology and Human Nutrition
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ANCE NGO RELATE logo Capacity Building in the Field of Youth
"RELATE! Finding Stories to Embrace our Planet’s Limits"
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EUPEMEN logo Strategic Partenariat for Higher Education
EUPEMEN: European perioperative medical networking
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Convocatòria 2019
Jean Monnet 30 years logo Jean Monnet Actions
Càtedra Jean Monnet «Renforcer els valeurs de l'Union Européenne: le rôle de la citoyenneté active»
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>> Notícies sobre el projecte
Convocatòria 2018
PACE Physical Activity Enhancement logo Sport Small Collaborative Partenariat
PASTURA: Physical Activity Enhancement
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SCILED logo Strategic Partenariat for Higher Education
SCILED: FOOTWEAR IN THE 21ST CENTURY New skills for the scientifically-led design of comfortable, sustainable and fashion-oriented footwear products
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Neurosmartology logo Strategic Partenariat for Higher Education
NEURSMARTOLOGY: Implementation of Consumer NEUROscience and SMART Research Solutions in AromachOLOGY
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Logo Ulisse logo Strategic Partenariat for Higher Education
ULISSE: Understanding, Learning and Improving Soft Skills for Employability
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Convocatòria 2017
SUI17 Travel Transformation logo Capacity Building for Youth
Travel Transformation: A transmèdia travel guide on social-ecological challenges
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Convocatòria 2016
MemTrain logo Strategic Partenariat for Adult Education
MEMTRAIN: Memory Training for Older Adults (55+) Linking Physical Exercise and Brain Training to promalnom Healthy Ageing
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RISK Reducing Injury in Sport with Kids logo Sport Small Collaborative Partenariat
RISK: Reducing Injury in Sport with Kids through a grass-roots coach education programme
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Convocatòria 2015
FOODCOST logo Strategic Partenariat for Higher Education
FOODCOST: Food Quality and Consumer Studies
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C4CC Capacities 4 Climate Change logo Capacity Building for Youth
CCCLab: Capacitats per al Canvi Climàtic
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Convocatòria 2014
gymsen projecte logo Strategic Partnership for Higher Education
GYMSEN: Gimnàstica sensorial per a majors. Programa per al manteniment de les capacitats sensorials de les persones majors
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